Title: Memories of an Irish Landscape. Medium: Acrylic on Canvas. Size: 36 x 36 ins ( 91.5 x 91.5 cms).
Private Collection, Dublin, Ireland.
In this painting, "Memories of an Irish Landscape", Kevin Geary manages, in an abstract design, to evoke the landscape of Ireland. At the top, he has, in broad stokes, conveyed the ever changing sky of Ireland from white cloud, blue sky, grey clouds and even the beginnings of enveloping mist. The greens, golden yellows and areas of white mist convey the hills and hedgerows of fields seen all over Ireland. But then, just over halfway down on the left we see a patch of red. Is this the burning embers of a fire? The red roof of a house, or the indelible blood of Irish patriots shed throughout Ireland's tragic history? The red creates questions without an answer. Yet, the red is actually essential. It brings life to the painting, energizing the whole, with its deft placement. In this, as in so many of his paintings, Mr. Geary yet again displays both his compositional skill in abstract design, along with his consummate command of, and love for, color.
Patrick Houlihan, PhD. Former Director of the New York State Museum.